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2022-6-2 15:42|來自: 《馬術(shù)》2015年12月刊

摘要: 今年,我們在鳥巢奧林匹克體育館慶祝第 5 屆浪琴表北京馬術(shù)大師賽。這一切似乎就發(fā)生在昨天,而這整件事也只是我母親的一個設(shè)想而已。多少年來即便困難重重,她也總是能一路實踐著自己的想法。但是我知道,現(xiàn)在不僅 ...

今年,我們在鳥巢奧林匹克體育館慶祝第 5 屆浪琴表北京馬術(shù)大師賽。這一切似乎就發(fā)生在昨天,而這整件事也只是我母親的一個設(shè)想而已。多少年來即便困難重重,她也總是能一路實踐著自己的想法。但是我知道,現(xiàn)在不僅她看到了這項賽事取得的巨大成功,不僅在中國,而且在國際場地障礙運動集體里也看到了?;厥走@些年,這項盛會取得的巨大進步真是令人難以想象。事實證明,今年是最盛大、最激動人心的一屆。毋庸置疑,北京馬術(shù)大師賽賽場可置于世界頂級賽場之列。


從一開始,我們就能將該項運動的頂尖人士和組織聚集并開展這個項目。 盧德格爾·比爾鮑姆(Ludger Beerbaum)( 連 同 許 多 其 他 世 界 著 名 的 騎 手 們),CHIO 亞琛和多美馬術(shù)一起并肩作戰(zhàn),一步步將這個想法變成現(xiàn)實。僅一年后,浪琴便成為此項比賽的主要贊助商。在他們的幫助下,此后幾年發(fā)展得越來越大。該項盛會還經(jīng)歐洲體育頻道(Eurosport)在全球播放。經(jīng)過年復(fù)一年的發(fā)展與完善,這項盛會逐步成型,進步顯著。今年,我們邀請 Clipmyhorse (來自德國的直播公司)、Beval Saddlery USA、Hermes、BMW 和許多其他公司一起加入。相對應(yīng)的,觀眾群也更為龐大,而供應(yīng)商區(qū)域的對外開放,使公眾們的參與度日趨提高。每年來參加比賽的國際騎手們還對中國的場地障礙賽團隊產(chǎn)生了重要影響。全世界最頂尖的騎手能夠在我國相聚一周,這也給我國騎手們提供了觀摩最高等級賽事的機會。缺少了這個團隊的任何一部分,這場盛會就不可能像現(xiàn)在這樣成功。因此我要對將這一切實現(xiàn)的所有贊助商、合作伙伴、組織者和工作人員、騎手以及支持者們,致以最衷心的感謝。沒有你們,這一切永遠沒有實現(xiàn)的可能。過去五年來我們不斷地積累并獲得成長,而今后我們還將實現(xiàn)更大的進步。

這里要特別感謝 Juan Capelli 先生、我的母親李晶和我的導(dǎo)師盧德格爾·比爾鮑姆——他在這個計劃還沒開始的時候就有了許多不同尋常的設(shè)想,以及那些助力中國場地障礙賽水平提高的志愿者朋友們。你們的功勞無法估量。 北京馬術(shù)大師賽 5 周年快樂。

This year, we celebrated the 5th year of the Longines Beijing Masters at Bird’s Nest Olympic stadium. It seems like it was just yesterday that this whole thing was just an idea that stemmed from my mother. She has always been able to see her ideas years down the road, even if the odds were stacked against her. But I think not even she could have seen the tremendous amount of success this show would become, not only in China, but the international showjumping community as well. Looking back through the years, it’s incredible to see how much improvement has been made to the event. This year proved to be the biggest, and most exciting yet. Without a doubt, the Beijing Masters venue can be placed right along with the best in the world.

I’ve been very fortunate to have the opportunity to compete every single year at the Bird’s Nest, and to watch it progress every year. To ride in a stadium of that magnitude is a feeling I cannot even put into words. The best athletes from all over the world (not only in showjumping) have set foot in that arena, and it’s a great honor to be able to say that I have made my footsteps there as well. 

From the very beginning, we were able to put together the best names in the sport to develop the event. Ludger Beerbaum (along with many other world renowned riders), CHIO Aachen, and Dashing worked side by side to make the idea into reality. After the first year, they were soon joined by Longines as a title sponsor. With their help, the years that followed became even bigger, with the event broadcasted internationally on Eurosport. Year by year, piece by piece, the event was shaped, and improved upon. This year, we were able to add the attendance of Clipmyhorse (live streaming company from Germany), Beval Saddlery USA, Hermes, BMW, and many more. In return, the crowds grew larger, and the public became more involved thanks to the access they had in the vendor area. The international riders that have attended every year have also had a big impact on the showjumping community in China. With the biggest names in the sport together for a weekend on home soil, it gives the national riders a chance to observe the highest level of competition. Without any one part to this team, the show would not be as successful as it has become today. So a big thank you needs to be given to all the sponsors, partners, organizers, staff, riders, and supporters that made this into a reality. Without you, this would never have been possible. And now after 5 years of growing achievements, we will keep striving for progress throughout the many more years that has yet to come. 

A very special thank you goes out to Mr. Juan Capelli, my mother Jing Li, and my mentor Ludger Beerbaum…who envisioned something extraordinary before it even began, and for being pioneers in raising the level of showjumping in China. Together, you all have made history. Happy 5th Anniversary.

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